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Clinton and Obama on the same ticket.
Now, sprinkle some pragmatism on that dream. Imagine Obama as Vice Presidnet on that ticket. Ok my fellow Obama supporters, simmer down, and take a few things into account.
1- a political grooming by the Clinton machine would be fantastic. Like them or not, the Clinton's are political geniuses. The chance to learn the ins and outs from these two would be great.
2- Barring a major screw up on HRC's part, we could potentially see BHO in the White house for 16 years.
3- The prospect of a 16 year Democratic White House is a great thing to dream about.
4- It's an invincible ticket. This ticket guarantees a lock on the Women, Young, and Minority vote. With the independant vote enjoyed by BHO, and the wide reaching appeal of both candidates, this ticket would be a tough nut to crack for the Republicans.
McCain will be the Republican Candidate in the General. Name one other ticket that could beat him. Clinton/Biden? Nope. Clinton/Richardson? Nope. Clinton/Edwards? Maybe. Cinton/Obama (or Obama/Clinton) offers so many things, to so many people, I can't see how it's beatable. The historic nature of the ticket. The combination of change and experience. The amount of minority votes both candidates bring to the table. Hispanic, Black, Women, Men. Exit Poll after Exit Poll shows Obama leading with men, Clinton with Women. The same breakdown occurs with Black and Hispanics, Whites and Blacks. This ticket would be unstoppable, and he Republicans know it.
The Rove articles of last week, Rush Limbaugh's spade and hoe comments, all point to what most of us already know: they intentionally tried to deepen the wounds of the media perpetuated "race war" between the Democratic Camps to further distance the two fromtrunning campaigns. Look for more of the same in the days and weeks to come. Expect to Neo Con America at it's worst, using fear to get the result they desire. This time however, it won't be the threat of terrorism, it will be fear of a loss of power by the White Christian Power Base. Don't think so? Watch this video in which John McCain says exactly that.
January 20, 2008
A Woman or a Black Man in the White House? Why Not Both??
Posted by Lethal at 1/20/2008 11:33:00 AM
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