I recently was browsing the CL Rants and Raves sections and came across this...
"Takes a thick coloured pole with a healthy dose of crack cocaine powdered sprinkled on it to mix with the vaseline right up his god-damned ARSE!
That's right. Ron Paul enjoys the taste of coloured semen on his morning omelettes. And all supporters of his fake libertarianism sure enjoy the taste of the tubesteak. Ron Paul even told a friend of mine, "I will wipe the butthole with the constitution, even though I will convince my 'supporters' that I am all about defending it"
Vote Romney! Ron Paul supports Faggot rights.
I ain't Mormon, but I sure like Mitt!"
Idiot on Craigslist
Here is my response.
You're an idiot, and a racist, and a bigot. I imagine you are a single white male, overweight, with no expectation of ever losing your virginity. To attempt to rally support against a meaningless candidate, does nothing but, render your post and it's true intention transparent.
No one cares that you're a homophobe. No one cares that you prefer more of the same, tired, divisive politics. No one cares that you choose to heap insults at a community of people who have done nothing to you, other than exist. Who do you think you are exactly? A Mitt Romney supporter? If Mitt we're confronted with your comments, he would in all likely hood, disavow you, and condemn your comments.
Get one thing straight. Banning Gay Marriage, isn't anti-gay. What makes the Gay Marriage Wrong, is the attempt to synchronize the Constitution with the Bible, in complete defiance of the seperation of church and state (First Amendment for the mouth breathers out there). By ignoring the 1st Amendment, and in doing so objectifying an entire demographic of people.
You sir, may welcome a return to the days of Jim Crow, if for no other reason, than to increase an obvious short coming of self esteem. My preference, is to move forward, into a future, where my daughter doesn't have to worry about meaningless arguments, rooted in bigotry, racism or nationalism. I want my daughter to grow up in the America Senator Obama represents, an America where the baton passes, the young people finally take up the cause and we truly move to "One Nation Under God."
For you and people like you, the old America is <----------- that way. Please see yourself to the door, and don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out.